Women in Metal: A Conversation

I've had the honor of participating in Pratt Fine Art Center's Spring program, Women in Metal. Coordinated by talented friend and artist, Lisa Geertsen, and Pratt's Lindsay Walter, this is a multi-faceted series of events and classes designed to promote women who work in the field and provide resources for women who may be interested in learning metalwork, asking questions and getting involved in the community.

As well as the panel discussion and specialized classes taught by artists from the Pacific Northwest throughout the season, several women metal artists will be exhibiting work at Pratt Fine Arts Center for the months of April and May. Pratt is located at 1902 S Main St, Seattle, WA 98144. I have a new bronze funerary vessel on display that will be for sale. Photos of this piece and information on a closing reception coming soon!

For more information on classes, visit www.pratt.org.